When you have an injury or condition, it can sometimes be difficult for your teacher to pause the class to address them. Remedial issues are best addressed in a private environment so you can then attend the class with the knowledge on how to best manage them. Private sessions are not just for remedial conditions, you can use this one-on-one time to help develop the more difficult Asanas, or start to develop a Pranayama practice or just to fit that extra practice in around times best suited to you.
Simone is an experienced Iyengar Teacher, teaching full time for many years and working consistently with her student base on the Gold Coast as well as teaching internationally. She is a mum, been involved in different communities and social environments, completed studies in Social Welfare, Anatomy and Physiology, but more importantly, has had her fair amount of injuries and conditions including knee surgery, shoulder rotator cuff injuries, thoracic spondylitis, eczema, infectious Crohns Colitis, Gastritis, parasitic infections and now menopause. All of which, she has used yoga to support, heal and mend.
“Some things stay longer than we want but it’s the trust and persistence that must stay with us.
Private sessions can be online or onsite.
Single (includes travel Gold Coast): $160
Block of 5 (includes travel Gold Coast): $700
Block of 10 (includes travel Gold Coast): $1350
Price plus 3.5% Bank/Paypal fees for online payments
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